
Mon 19th Jan 2009

After yesterday's fantastic banquet, it is with some irony and great surprise that Marks & Spencer would let the side down on quality consistency. Today I bought one of their Scotch Broths for my dinner at work. Too much Pearl Barley for my liking. I'm not keen on Pearl Barley. It feels and tastes like you're chewing through fat little bullet-hard bogeys. Which I know is not an oft-used simile by Food critics in the Sunday Times, but is still a fact. I could forgive this in isolation, and even accept it was my own fault for not looking at the ingredients, but sadly this is not my only complaint. The meat was all stringy. And there were distracting tiny brittle bones too. I hate crunching bones. It was all bit like trying to eat Bryce Forsyth or something (thankfully a flavour that the modest Cup-a-Soup brand continue to decline).

Over all I was pretty gutted. I'd really been looking forward to my grandly-priced soup. I even had to go out and buy a Twix afterwards, just to try and quell my disappointment.

On the plus side, the Hotmail junk deletion count has now reached 387. So not a completely wasted work day.

I'll be sure to keep you abreast of this matter.