
Thu 5th Mar 2009

This year has not just the year in which I have had a new mug; it is a whole new ‘tea making’ dawn. We have had our office kettle replaced. I will miss the charm of the old one. It was like a small plastic chimney of dirty white, and I’d almost become accustomed to the small crutons of lime-scale with which it used to garnish your beverage. But I am generally more pleased with the new investment. It is undeniably more aesthetic; smaller, rounder and silvery new. Much conventionally closer to how you’d expect a kettle to appear.

A new kettle may well seem a triviality, but its differing shape inevitably means the hissing noise emitted whilst heating is slightly different, which has an impact that should not be underestimated. Its sound has the power to bring a whole new ambience to the office. And as for the act of tea-making itself? Well, this model has its handle arched over the top of the cylinder - our old one was more a hole in the side. The switch on the new one is longer and has a rather gentle, and thoroughly more satisfying ‘click’. It is pleasing to operate. Given time, I suspect the novelty of this switch may fade. Otherwise it might become an obsession that’s on and off for years to come.

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