
Wed 8th April 2009

I saw a bit of ‘The Passion’ on TV. I found it to be a rather oddly titled series; as despite what is implied, there was very little salacious about its content at all. It was mainly just a load of beardy blokes with regional accents talking about God and stuff, then one of them ends up getting murdered. Don’t bother getting your hopes built up when the prostitute appears either. As I said, nothing even remotely arousing happens in the whole programme. Well, almost nothing. There is a kiss between two men who confusingly have similar sounding names. But the scene doesn’t seem particularly erotic (not that I am an authority on what whether a kiss between two men could be considered erotic or anything. I am not familiar with this type of thing. And even if I were, I’d probably just have as much luck as a homosexual man as I do as a heterosexual, given my granary-bap arse, and worst still, my irritable bowel and consequently putridly un-tempting state of my anal innards. The one thing that can be said about me is how I am not prejudiced - I can repulse people indiscriminately of their sexual persuasion).

Yes – it’s all pretty flaccid stuff. Though having said this, if you find pleasure in sadomasochistic acts, then there’s a chance you might enjoy the ending; which is full of torture and cruelty. But then if this sort of thing arouses you, you’re clearly a sicko, and I would seriously question whether I wish to hear from you. I only enjoy sexual acts that are completely conventional, thank you very much. I would not wish to be flogged and hung on a cross.

Unless it the only thing on offer.

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