
New Blog!

I have a new blog.
It is a lot more rough and ready than this one (if that's possible), and the entries are generally written via my mobile phone very quickly so are not edited or spellchecked. Originally, when I started this incarnation of the blog, I wanted to write something every day. But shortly after I was also trying to write "something of interest" everyday, or at least develop my writing standards - which is quite a different thing. In the end it became difficult for me to keep up and I just gave in. So I have started afresh with a new blog.

I hope that at some point I will start using this old blog to polish the more polish-able turds I drop in the other blog, if that makes sense. Anyhow, the new blog is there if you want it. My only ambition is to update it and have an entry for every day, irrespective of how short, badly written or boring the entry is. Let's see how long this one lasts...

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